
Showing posts from August, 2009

My Voices - Ragi Tandhira ....

This is a song written by Sri.Purandara dasa. Ragi Tandhira Bhikshaka Ragi Tandhira.... it goes, Finally, landed my hands on a shruthi box, here in campus. So, was tempted to record again! You can listen to this song at Ragi tandhira  Lyrics: (Source: ........ This is a very impressionable “needhibodhana” song. In this song PurandaraDasa explains how one should live. But in a very charming way he has played with the word “Ragi”. He starts off the song with the common day to day meaning of the word and wakes you up with a jolt with a verydifferent use of that word as he delves into the song proper. And just watch how manytimes that word is used in this song by Purandara Dasa. It is class poetry, in simple words but carrying profound education for living...... Sri Purandara Dasa was a real social reformer. He had the dream of pr...

My Voices - Kandha Nee ....

A song after a long time! Do bear with me and my voice once more :) This one is on Lord Muruga You can listen to it here: hi-fi URL: Kandha Nee Oru

Creating the Funny!

Who doesn't like people who are funny? Now, how do you define 'funny'? Someone whom you can have fun with? Not exactly. Someone who can make you laugh? Probably yes. Now again, this can be divided into two. Those who are naturally funny (of course, these are the most eandearing of the lot) and those who try very hard. And you know what, sometimes, I tend to like those who try hard to be funny. (I know many will disagree here, ) Come on, give them their dues! They try hard. Of late, in Tamil, we have this concept of 'mokka pottufying' - which actually means cracking PJs. Sometimes, when you have nothing to do in the world, mokka can be fun too. ... Not all those who have the gift of the gab are good at mokka -ing. You need the knack for it. So, my conclusion is probably, 'funny' is a very case-sensitive term. What may be funny to one may not be funny to another! Am not sure if this gels with the theme of this post (he he,... if you can call it one) , but I...