A Peek into December
Is there something called writer's block? You call yourself a writer? Really? It's ok, I can afford at least some attitude! Why did my blog take such a long break? Laziness, & that's just it :) This is no new year resolution. I don't proclaim to blog too punctually, but I really think it feels purgatory to write once in a while. [anything other than office emails, facebook chats, random notes of phone numbers etc]. Do we really really write anything else these days? Am reminded of the long lost tradition of pen pals from the past. Gokulam, an English magazine, used to carry this feature called Pen pals with names & addresses of people [kids :)] who were willing to make friends through letters. I distinctly remember writing to someone during one of the summer holidays. Don't ask me if I received any replies. Did you have pen pals (not pen(n)) as kids? Digressing again, the city is celebrating the holiday season! There's always a drizzle in the air ...