Bangalore - Is it overhyped?!

Have you ever seen people eating idly with 2 spoons?..No?..Welcome to Bangalore. Even the slightly decent eateries here offer a spoon with every dish served, even for a dosa. Now, are we still in India? ..Very much indeed, in the IT capital of the nation. Being a relatively newcomer here, I really am unaware of when exactly this practice of eating SouthIndian dishes with Western cutlery originated. Initially, I used to put the spoons away and eat with my fingers but oh, I turn around and see every other person(even an octagenarian couple)cutting(!) their idlies with spoons.

This is not the only thing with this city. Everything about the place is overhyped. Simplicity and thriftness are just shown the backdoor anywhere you go. I must mention the public transport rates in this context. A normal bus ticket(normal, because there are deluxe buses) for an approximately 6km distance costs Rs.10. Also, this I think, will be the lone city in the country to have differential bus rates based on the timing of the day. Morning 6 am, double charge; after 10 pm, double charge! There also exist completely air-conditioned buses that cater to the elite lot, with a minimum charge of 25Rs.

"The pleasant Bangalore weather" is slowly but steadily becoming a thing of the past. It's end of March and the mercury never stops rising till 3 in the afternoon, but still, we at Bangalore, will say "Wonderful weather, You ll never get this in Chennai"..- Watch the evening news and the reporter would announce "35 C in Chennai and 34.8 C in Bangalore". With an evergrowing floating population and unimaginable levels of pollution, this city might well be half the reason for the depletion of the ozone layer.

Forum Forum Forum - You come to Bangalore for the first time, and this place would surely be recommended as a must-visit by almost all your friends in the city. Visit the place in the weekend, actually, I should have said, "try to visit it over the weekend" - from Friday evening 6 to 10 pm on Sunday night, this place is literally flooded with people. One can never think of watching a movie in the PVR cinemas without making a reservation atleast 3 days in advance, however rotten the movie maybe! A Tamil movie ticket costs Rs.150(minimum) in the weekend and anything significant(like a coffee for a instance) that you have in the interval will empty your pocket by atleast another fifty. The mammoth food court(TRANSIT) on the second floor seemingly serves the best non-vegetarian food, again if you're ready to pay a few extra INR. I really pity all vegetarians(me too!!) for, the sole veg. stall here is some "...Sagar" and it's always overcrowded..

There "are" advantages of eating idly with spoons. "idly soaked in sambar" is best gobbled with spoons and this also means no washing hands that saves a few seconds. Travelling in a bus in Bangalore can be a pleasure, especially in the air-conditioned ones, looking at the streets through the huge glass windows, while reading the Bangalore Times provided in the bus itself. Needless to mention, this is the best city for autorickshaws that strictly employ the meters(if you can forgive the 1.5 charges again!) No matter what, Banglaore is Bangalore when it comes to weather and if you're from Chennai, you're just going to cherish your life in this city atleast for the non-drenchy mornings and the extra cool nights. Moreover, there is nothing like the experience of watching a movie at PVR with its xtra-comfy cushion seats and excellent acoustics, so what if it's a "bit" costly. Bittersweet it is, however, the garden city forever welcomes people from all over the country and envelops them with its astounding charm!!!


Anonymous said…
Ha..Ha..Ha..Looks like the garden city fallacy caught you too..I had similar experiences during my short stay in bangalore.Insane auto fares, Unimaginable traffic and Deadly pollution levels.Bangalore (or Bengalooru now) is the perfect vision of what the entire world is going to face in the future due to increasing urbanization.
Some of the things that I really liked in bangalore are the juice shops and unique restaurants. I guess bangalore is the only city where you can find such a wide range of cuisines. I can still vividly imagine mexican TGIF, an afghan restaurant, cornerwalls icecream, mediterranean food and chineses.
@ anonymous:
Thanks for that comment. Very true. I've never found an entire gamut of eateries as much as there is in Bangalore anywhere else. It's a great experience to dine at these places (of course, only corporate lunches, coz of the exorbitant prices!!)...
Arun Madas said…
I must take this to the next level - "Debatable sentense - Bangalore Climate is as pleasent as Chennai Climate"... people jump in...
@ arun:
yeah i accept that b'lore enjoys a much more pleasant summer than chennai..was in chennai last weekend.....and am already dreading my next visit........though i always like to be in 'home sweet home'
Sheks said…
Ever eaten idli with Sweet Sambhar and Watery Chutney?Bangalore err...Bengaluru's the place to be.

Ever heard of unscheduled powercuts after 2 days of scheduled ones?Thippasandra(BEML)is the place to be.

And Bengaluru IS over-hyped!Why should the media raise a hue and cry over the city's growing woes when every single city in India faces the same problem?
I agree that power cuts are a nightmare in bangalore especially in the summer. But, being here for the post one year, I have grown to like the sweet sambhar too!
Chandra said…
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Chandra said…
Nice Read!!!
The best in blore is its 'Weather' and its the 'IT captial of the nation'. But sadly, these are the two things which are developing blore to make it a worst place to stay. A IT person is ready to work here in blore for a lesser compensation just because its the IT capital. A student or a IT guy or any gov official once tastes the weather of blore will find it very hard to relocate himself. Blore is growing 'gigabytes' in population and the infrastucture to handle it is growing at a speed of 'kilobytes' or just 'bytes'. I just cant imagine how blore wud look like after 10 years!!!
Sheks said…
At the time of writing this comment,which happens to be more than a year after the post was up,I have noticed a few things w.r.t Bangalore.Autos no longer go by the meter!These days Mumbai is the city where autos and taxis strictly go by the meter.
@ Sheks:

Come on da... Autos still go by the meter only.. however, the fares are up!

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