This is a song written by Sri.Purandara dasa. Ragi Tandhira Bhikshaka Ragi Tandhira.... it goes, Finally, landed my hands on a shruthi box, here in campus. So, was tempted to record again! You can listen to this song at Ragi tandhira Lyrics: (Source: ........ This is a very impressionable “needhibodhana” song. In this song PurandaraDasa explains how one should live. But in a very charming way he has played with the word “Ragi”. He starts off the song with the common day to day meaning of the word and wakes you up with a jolt with a verydifferent use of that word as he delves into the song proper. And just watch how manytimes that word is used in this song by Purandara Dasa. It is class poetry, in simple words but carrying profound education for living...... Sri Purandara Dasa was a real social reformer. He had the dream of provid
Was talking to my cousin (mother of 2) when she was in India recently. We were reflecting on how our group of cousins behaved so differently, though we are all part of the same generation. And no, we weren't doing any behavioral analysis, though I know my cousin is quite competent at that, given her extensive experience in psychiatry (how I wish I had that kind of a different profile, sometimes, life is just so unfair :) ). My youngest cousin is 17 now and she just cannot stop texting her friends on her mobile phone. This applies to those in the age group of 17-20, I guess. I got myself a mobile phone (we just used to call it 'cell' those days, how cheap) and still I remember, how we used to gape at anyone who bought a new cell in college. And my first model was 1100, the brick-like one, yes! And no, I was no SMSer. Dont know why I never took to SMSing that much, one major reason was obviously, I was using a BSNL prepaid service (that did not have free SMSs) and Amma woul
Vikaasa , - the best place on earth, perhaps next to home. My memories of my school always offer deep solace whenever I'm down and help me move ahead in life. I would always love to go back to school and bask in the warmth of its campus. The coolest thing about school was that we always worked as a family and were extremely passionate about anything associated with the school. I made some really nice friends at school and would always like to keep in touch with anyone even remotely associated with my school. Our annual trips to Ambas vikaasa are just unforgettable. I've been to ambas fiesta every yeat right from Class 4 till Class 10. The Madura Club at Ambas is just fabulous. The otherwise sober Ambas(amudram) used to wear a festive look for 3 days and one might even mistake it for a school in Chennai. Our secret night meetings at the hallowed wooden corridors, paste(ing) 'on the face' sessions at night, ragging juniors(at school, haha!)...what not - We've had a ba