Better interviews ...

Interviewing - That’s really a skill. Only a few do it very well. Maybe the more empathetic ones. I think the interviews we catch online these days are primarily based on creating sensationalism and click baits. And then there are the grilling interviews and noise pollution based debates. if you’re Tamil, you think of Rangaraj Pandey. If you follow national media- Arnab is shouting in your ears now. 

So what are some of the defining features of a good interview. 
1. Question to understand- In good interviews, A response mostly leads to a connected question or the part B of the question. This doesn’t imply that one needs to probe and probe. I’m just saying that an interviewer needs to listen and try to ask questions in an organic manner instead of trying to complete a prepared question paper. 
2. Showcase the personality - Most celebrities resonate with certain aspects of their personality that are always in the limelight. A well researched interview often extracts more from them in a way that shows viewers a little bit more of the unknown side of their personalities 
3. Should there always be 3 parts to anything? 

Baradwaj Rangan is surely one of the better interviewers around. If you haven’t done it yet, check out his textual interviews of Carnatic musicians and you’ll see how he tries to get into their psyche in a non-intrusive way. If you care enough, you’ll find the links yourself :) 


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