Of Learning to Cycle and the Pain...
"I don't want to learn to cycle. It's so exhausting to learn"
"You just have to keep practising. You're gonna get it one day"
"But when will that one day come? I"ve been struggling for ages"
"Don't give up. Come on, let's practise now for some time"
"It's extremely hot. It's 4pm. I don't want to go out now"
"You can do it. I'll be around with you. I won't scold you"
"That's unbelievable. You will start shouting the moment I start cycling" (Unspoken thoughts)
"Ok let's go.... "
After 10 mins that seem like it's 10 years,
"I told you - don't leave me alone. And you did exactly that. Look at this!" (pointing to a bleeding gash)
"These things happen if you want to learn. You know what - you almost did it, just before you went down, you were by yourself for quite a few minutes"